This CD-ROM deals with the harmony between dishes and wines. From a classification of French cuisine into fifty types of preparations, it is possible to choose one of the 1200 wines selected by the team of authors. A chef's recipe is proposed as an accompaniment for each of these wines as well as a family cooking recipe. The recipes are all available in the "Annexe" folder as print-ready TEXT files. Descriptions and recipes are in French language.
ISO file retrieved from the Internet Archive.
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Minimum requirements as per the BNF catalog record:
- Macintosh LC, System 7.0
- 4 megs of RAM, CD-ROM drive
- 13" monitor, 256 colors
Tested successfully on:
Basilisk II for MacOSX w/System 7.5.5
SheepShaver for MacOSX w/MacOS 9.0.4